Please Contribute
Please send us your contributions, we are trying to help as many users
as possible to create better looking web sites. To achieve this we need lots of people to send
us their creations. We are after:
- Table designs
- Horizontal menus
- Vertical menus
- Page Templates
- Variations you have created based on the designs we already have (even if you only change the colour)
- Sample code
- Java script samples
- Java script articles
- Design articles
- Design hints
- CSS hints and tips
- CSS examples
- Links to other design based sites
- Suggestions for other sections we can add to the site
- Exchange of links
if you have a site of your own
- Tell us about any errors we
haven't found yet on this site!
- Anything else you think other users will be able to
benefit from!
Don't forget to include your name if you want it
accredited to your work (if you don't no problem).
Please send your contributions to:
([email protected])
Submitters: Work submitted to must be Submitter's own
original work and not subject to any other person's or business entities' copyrights.
If you see any information on this website that infringes on any copyright, please
contact us immediately. Copyright violations will not be tolerated.
Thank you |