Welcome to the WebDesignHelper.co.uk beginners tutorial section.
This section is aimed
at the users who know absolutely nothing about how the internet works, let alone how to create a web site of
their own. There are also a number of articles that the slightly more learned, or intermediate user would
benefit from as well.
The articles are laid out to be read chronologically
one after the other, that is not to say that you HAVE to read
them all! Have a look at the articles description, and if you think it would be
helpful, read it, if not by-pass
it and go onto the next one.
We have tried to be as friendly and helpful with the articles selected, but if you get stuck or confused feel free
to drop us a mail and we'll do our best to help. Our aim is to take you from no knowledge at all, to being able to
use our templates and make yourself your very own
shiny new website.
- Useful for Newbie users
- Useful for Intermediate users
Web Page Creation For Beginners 01: How the Internet Started |
Uploaded: 19th Aug. 2002
Created By: Vert Cint, from the www.isoc.org web-site |
Introduction to how the internet all started. From the US military who in 1973 started
the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) program to investigate techniques
and for interlinking networks of various kinds, to the birth of the web that we know today.
more details >>
 Web Page Creation For Beginners 02: History of the Internet Time-line |
Uploaded: 19th Aug. 2002
Created By: Robert H'obbes' Zakon, from the www.isoc.org web-site |
History of the Internet Time-line. Track how the internet grew year by year, from the launch
of Sputnik in 1957 to the number of hosts breaking 1000 in 1984 and onto business.com being sold for US$7.5million
(after it was purchased in 1997 for US$150,000 (30 Nov)
more details >>
Web Page Creation For Beginners 03: How the Internet itself Works |
Uploaded: 29th Aug. 2002
Created By: www.icehousedesigns.com |
Well for starters if your reading this you have somewhat of an idea of how to
get on the Internet, and how to get or find certain sites. The Internet is basically a vast network of
personal computers, servers, and all types of machines communicating with each other.
more details >>
Web Page Creation For Beginners 04: How a web-site is built, a simple overview |
Uploaded: 29th Aug. 2002
Created By: www.howstuffworks.com |
Have you ever wondered how a Web page works? Have you ever wanted to
create your own Web page? Have you ever heard the word "HTML" and wondered what it means? If
so, then read on...
more details >>
 Web Page Creation For Beginners 05: Glossary of the Internet Terms |
Uploaded: 29th Aug. 2002
Created By: Matisse Enzer |
A full list of Internet terms and what they all mean. From ADN for Advanced Digital
network and EMail for electronic mail, all the way upto XML for eXtensible Markup Language. A good reference
point for all users.
more details >>
Web Page Creation For Beginners 06-07: HTML Introduction
Uploaded: 29th Aug. 2002
Created By: Joe Burns from www.htmlgoodies.com |
The next seven articles are parts 1-7 of a gentle introduction to HTML,
how to read it and how to use it to create your own web-sites.
Congratulations ! Thats the end of the first seven articles, now its time to move onto the next seven !