Design Theory 01: Site Design Introduction (Part 1)
Uploaded: 10th Oct. 2001
Created By: Patrick L Synch & Sarah Horton (taken from 'Web Style Guide') |
Introduction to the basic principles of web design. Covers how
to put together a new site, and how to structure the information you want to hold on the site.
A must read for all web designers. (part 1)
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Design Theory 02: Site Design Introduction (Part 2)
Uploaded: 10th Oct. 2001
Created By: Patrick L Synch & Sarah Horton (taken from 'Web Style Guide') |
Introduction to the basic principles of web design. Covers how
to put together a new site, and how to structure the information you want to hold on the site.
A must read for all web designers. (part 2)
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Design Theory 03: Site Structure
Uploaded: 10th Oct. 2001
Created By: Patrick L Synch & Sarah Horton (taken from 'Web Style Guide') |
An in-depth look at the different ways to structure a site, including
sequential, grid, hierarchical and web. Followed by a clear summary to help you choose which
is right for you.
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Design Theory 04: Site Elements (part 1)
Uploaded: 10th Oct. 2001
Created By: Patrick L Synch & Sarah Horton (taken from 'Web Style Guide') |
Takes you through the main site elements that virtually all web sites
have in common, like: Home pages, menus, index's and more. A must read for any web designer. (part 1)
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Design Theory 05: Site Elements (part 2)
Uploaded: 10th Oct. 2001
Created By: Patrick L Tynch & Sarah Horton (taken from 'Web Style Guide') |
Takes you through the main site elements that virtually all web sites
have in common, like: Home pages, menus, index's and more. A must read for any web designer. (part 2)
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Design Theory 06: Site Covers
Uploaded: 10th Oct. 2001
Created By: Patrick L Tynch & Sarah Horton (taken from 'Web Style Guide') |
Takes you through how to create a visually attractive opening screen
that will entice users to look further into your site. Covers both splash screens and home pages
that establish an overall "look-and-feel" for a site.
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Design Theory 07: Balancer Page Design
Uploaded: 10th Oct. 2001
Created By: Patrick L Tynch & Sarah Horton (taken from 'Web Style Guide') |
One of hardest things to explain, but this article gives a very good
introduction to page balance. It shows how you can create a better looking page, that will guide
the users eye to the most important parts of your page first.
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