Design Theory 15: Type Face Terms Explained (Part 2)
Uploaded: 02nd Jan. 2002
Created By: Mark Style |
A good in depth, easy to understand explanation of the complexity on the type face.
This takes you through all the terms, the different kinds of type faces and what all the terms mean.
If you want to understand the theory behind good type design them this article is a must read.
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Design Theory 16: Designing for all Browsers (Part 1)
Uploaded: 03rd Mar. 2002
Created By: Steve Mulder and Michael Brandt |
When you're creating a Web page, size matters. There's
limited space to work with, and page elements take up standard amounts of space.
It's a land of constraints, and you've got to know the rules before you get
Unfortunately, the browser makers have been naughty, so the
rules aren't simple. Each Web browser has its own playing field with its own
quirks. If we don't get to know every one of these playing fields, then your
pages might very well look crappy in some browser. (part 1 of 4)
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Design Theory 17: Designing for all Browsers (Part 2)
Uploaded: 03rd Mar. 2002
Created By: Steve Mulder and Michael Brandt |
When you're creating a Web page, size matters. There's
limited space to work with, and page elements take up standard amounts of space.
It's a land of constraints, and you've got to know the rules before you get
Unfortunately, the browser makers have been naughty, so the
rules aren't simple. Each Web browser has its own playing field with its own
quirks. If we don't get to know every one of these playing fields, then your
pages might very well look crappy in some browser. (part 2 of 4)
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Design Theory 18: Designing for all Browsers (Part 3)
Uploaded: 03rd Mar. 2002
Created By: Steve Mulder and Michael Brandt |
When you're creating a Web page, size matters. There's
limited space to work with, and page elements take up standard amounts of space.
It's a land of constraints, and you've got to know the rules before you get
Unfortunately, the browser makers have been naughty, so the
rules aren't simple. Each Web browser has its own playing field with its own
quirks. If we don't get to know every one of these playing fields, then your
pages might very well look crappy in some browser. (part 3 of 4)
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Design Theory 19: Designing for all Browsers (Part 4)
Uploaded: 03rd Mar. 2002
Created By: Steve Mulder and Michael Brandt |
When you're creating a Web page, size matters. There's
limited space to work with, and page elements take up standard amounts of space.
It's a land of constraints, and you've got to know the rules before you get
Unfortunately, the browser makers have been naughty, so the
rules aren't simple. Each Web browser has its own playing field with its own
quirks. If we don't get to know every one of these playing fields, then your
pages might very well look crappy in some browser. (part 4 of 4)
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Design Theory 20: Should I used Flash in my Web Site ?
Uploaded: 21st Jun. 2002
Created By: Luke Humble |
A discussion on the pro's and con's of using Flash animation in your web site.
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Design Theory 21: Tips on Website Promotion
Uploaded: 21st Jun. 2002
Created By: Luke Humble |
Takes you through all the major methods of promoting your site on the web,
and how to increase the number of hits for your new site.
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