Colours by Name, RGB and HEX
Referred to as the X11 Colour Names this Colour Naming convention was originally rejected by the W3C and may not be
recognized by many browsers. Therefore I advise you not to use them, instead the HEX and RGB equivalents are included.
Not all colours appear correctly in 256 colour mode either depending on the browser. (Close and re-open your Browser
if changing the Desktop Colour Depth as most programs access this information when starting and may force the wrong
NOTE: MS FrontPage Editor v2+ will auto-convert coded "Colour
Names" to their "HEX" equivalents.
The Table Below Lists "Colour Names" by HUE.
Colour Name |
R,G,B |
#FFB6C1 |
LightPink |
255,182,193 |
Pink |
255,192,203 |
#DC143C |
Crimson |
220,20,60 |
#FFF0F5 |
LavenderBlush |
255,240,245 |
#DB7093 |
PaleVioletRed |
219,112,147 |
#FF69B4 |
HotPink |
255,105,180 |
#FF1493 |
DeepPink |
255,20,147 |
#C71585 |
MediumVioletRed |
199,21,133 |
#DA70D6 |
Orchid |
218,112,214 |
#D8BFD8 |
Thistle |
216,191,216 |
Plum |
221,160,221 |
#EE82EE |
Violet |
238,130,238 |
#FF00FF |
Magenta |
255,0,255 |
#FF00FF |
Fuchsia |
255,0,255 |
#8B008B |
DarkMagenta |
139,0,139 |
#800080 |
Purple |
128,0,128 |
#BA55D3 |
MediumOrchid |
186,85,211 |
#9400D3 |
DarkViolet |
148,0,211 |
#9932CC |
DarkOrchid |
153,50,204 |
#4B0082 |
Indigo |
75,0,130 |
#8A2BE2 |
BlueViolet |
138,43,226 |
#9370DB |
MediumPurple |
147,112,219 |
#7B68EE |
MediumSlateBlue |
123,104,238 |
#6A5ACD |
SlateBlue |
106,90,205 |
#483D8B |
DarkSlateBlue |
72,61,139 |
#E6E6FA |
Lavender |
230,230,250 |
#F8F8FF |
GhostWhite |
248,248,255 |
#0000FF |
Blue |
0,0,255 |
#0000CD |
MediumBlue |
0,0,205 |
#191970 |
MidnightBlue |
25,25,112 |
#00008B |
DarkBlue |
0,0,139 |
#000080 |
Navy |
0,0,128 |
#4169E1 |
RoyalBlue |
65,105,225 |
#6495ED |
CornflowerBlue |
100,149,237 |
#B0C4DE |
LightSteelBlue |
176,196,222 |
#778899 |
LightSlateGray |
119,136,153 |
#708090 |
SlateGray |
112,128,144 |
#1E90FF |
DodgerBlue |
30,144,255 |
#4682B4 |
SteelBlue |
70,130,180 |
#87CEFA |
LightSkyBlue |
135,206,250 |
#87CEEB |
SkyBlue |
135,206,235 |
#00BFFF |
DeepSkyBlue |
0,191,255 |
#ADD8E6 |
LightBlue |
173,216,230 |
#B0E0E6 |
PowderBlue |
176,224,230 |
#5F9EA0 |
CadetBlue |
95,158,160 |
Azure |
240,255,255 |
LightCyan |
224,255,255 |
PaleTurquoise |
175,238,238 |
#00FFFF |
Cyan |
0,255,255 |
#00FFFF |
Aqua |
0,255,255 |
#00CED1 |
DarkTurquoise |
0,206,209 |
#2F4F4F |
DarkSlateGray |
47,79,79 |
#008B8B |
DarkCyan |
0,139,139 |
#008080 |
Teal |
0,128,128 |
#48D1CC |
MediumTurquoise |
72,209,204 |
#20B2AA |
LightSeaGreen |
32,178,170 |
#40E0D0 |
Turquoise |
64,224,208 |
#7FFFD4 |
Aquamarine |
127,255,212 |
#66CDAA |
MediumAquamarine |
102,205,170 |
#00FA9A |
MediumSpringGreen |
0,250,154 |
MintCream |
245,255,250 |
#00FF7F |
SpringGreen |
0,255,127 |
#3CB371 |
MediumSeaGreen |
60,179,113 |
#2E8B57 |
SeaGreen |
46,139,87 |
#F0FFF0 |
Honeydew |
240,255,240 |
#90EE90 |
LightGreen |
144,238,144 |
#98FB98 |
PaleGreen |
152,251,152 |
#8FBC8F |
DarkSeaGreen |
143,188,143 |
#32CD32 |
LimeGreen |
50,205,50 |
#00FF00 |
Lime |
0,255,0 |
#228B22 |
ForestGreen |
34,139,34 |
#008000 |
Green |
0,128,0 |
#006400 |
DarkGreen |
0,100,0 |
#7FFF00 |
Chartreuse |
127,255,0 |
#7CFC00 |
LawnGreen |
124,252,0 |
GreenYellow |
173,255,47 |
#556B2F |
DarkOliveGreen |
85,107,47 |
#9ACD32 |
YellowGreen |
154,205,50 |
#6B8E23 |
OliveDrab |
107,142,35 |
#F5F5DC |
Beige |
245,245,220 |
LightGoldenrodYellow |
250,250,210 |
Ivory |
255,255,240 |
LightYellow |
255,255,224 |
#FFFF00 |
Yellow |
255,255,0 |
#808000 |
Olive |
128,128,0 |
#BDB76B |
DarkKhaki |
189,183,107 |
LemonChiffon |
255,250,205 |
PaleGoldenrod |
238,232,170 |
#F0E68C |
Khaki |
240,230,140 |
#FFD700 |
Gold |
255,215,0 |
Cornsilk |
255,248,220 |
#DAA520 |
Goldenrod |
218,165,32 |
#B8860B |
DarkGoldenrod |
184,134,11 |
FloralWhite |
255,250,240 |
#FDF5E6 |
OldLace |
253,245,230 |
#F5DEB3 |
Wheat |
245,222,179 |
#FFE4B5 |
Moccasin |
255,228,181 |
#FFA500 |
Orange |
255,165,0 |
PapayaWhip |
255,239,213 |
BlanchedAlmond |
255,235,205 |
NavajoWhite |
255,222,173 |
AntiqueWhite |
250,235,215 |
#D2B48C |
Tan |
210,180,140 |
#DEB887 |
BurlyWood |
222,184,135 |
#FFE4C4 |
Bisque |
255,228,196 |
#FF8C00 |
DarkOrange |
255,140,0 |
#FAF0E6 |
Linen |
250,240,230 |
#CD853F |
Peru |
205,133,63 |
PeachPuff |
255,218,185 |
#F4A460 |
SandyBrown |
244,164,96 |
#D2691E |
Chocolate |
210,105,30 |
#8B4513 |
SaddleBrown |
139,69,19 |
Seashell |
255,245,238 |
#A0522D |
Sienna |
160,82,45 |
#FFA07A |
LightSalmon |
255,160,122 |
#FF7F50 |
Coral |
255,127,80 |
#FF4500 |
OrangeRed |
255,69,0 |
#E9967A |
DarkSalmon |
233,150,122 |
#FF6347 |
Tomato |
255,99,71 |
#FFE4E1 |
MistyRose |
255,228,225 |
#FA8072 |
Salmon |
250,128,114 |
Snow |
255,250,250 |
#F08080 |
LightCoral |
240,128,128 |
#BC8F8F |
RosyBrown |
188,143,143 |
#CD5C5C |
IndianRed |
205,92,92 |
#FF0000 |
Red |
255,0,0 |
#A52A2A |
Brown |
165,42,42 |
#B22222 |
FireBrick |
178,34,34 |
#8B0000 |
DarkRed |
139,0,0 |
#800000 |
Maroon |
128,0,0 |
White |
255,255,255 |
#F5F5F5 |
WhiteSmoke |
245,245,245 |
Gainsboro |
220,220,220 |
#D3D3D3 |
LightGrey |
211,211,211 |
#C0C0C0 |
Silver |
192,192,192 |
#A9A9A9 |
DarkGray |
169,169,169 |
#808080 |
Gray |
128,128,128 |
#696969 |
DimGray |
105,105,105 |
#000000 |
Black |
0,0,0 |